How To Fail With Women

The antidote to this approach to be her equal and by not focusing solely on her looks or making her feel entitled to adulation because of it. Show her (through your words and body language) that you’re prepared to walk away if she doesn’t have anything else going for her aside from her figure (i.e. being witty, humorous, etc.).

Two Killer Tips For Attraction

If you’re interested in meeting women and dating them, you need to improve your inner game by learning the basics of attraction.  Otherwise, lacking the know-how to get a woman’s attention is like going into…

3 Sure-Fire Ways To Be Romantic

By definition, romance is the act of “making amorous advances towards someone.”  The end objective then, is to elicit feelings of excitement and infatuation from your actions. The problem with most guys is dealing with…

How To Keep a Good Thing Going

Sherry Argov was spot on when she talked about the classic male fear of losing one’s freedom in her book “Why Men Love Bitches”. Specifically, she advises women to avoid needy behavior and give guys…