An Important Conversation Tip

When it comes to starting conversations with others, whether it’s that hot chick that you want to get to know better (and get her number), or new person who works in the cubacle next to you in work…

…The big key is that you always bring equal or greater energy to the interaction.

This doesn’t mean you have to become Tony Robbins and be all happy dappy and hyper.

What it means is that you:

1. Be really present when you engage in conversation with people. This should become a reflex, not just when you’re talking to a hot girl.

2. Speak up and be clear and forceful with your voice (don’t yell, but don’t ever mumble either). Smile, look people in the eye when you are listening to them, and try to be that guy who brings people’s energy UP most of the time, rather than down.

People who bring other people’s energy UP are the people that others want to be around. That includes hot girls.

When it comes to being a bit more energetic, it pays to actually BECOME more energetic and inspirational, rather than just faking it all the time.

You can fake it till you make it, but here are some tips to actually make it…

1. Keep a gratitude journal for 90 days in a row (or more).

It’s just a natural part of the human condition to always try to keep fixing things that are going wrong. Even if so much is going right, it’s easy to focus on what isn’t going right, and that can bring you down, even if you aren’t sharing your problems with others, it can affect your mood, your personality and your vibe.

A great way to reprogram your subconscious mind to naturally focus on the positives in life is to keep a gratitude journal.

This is as simple as setting an alarm in your phone for the same time every day, and then you spend 3 minutes writing down 3 things that you are grateful for every day.

This can be as simple as being grateful for having 2 arms and 2 legs (heck not everyone in the world does), or as present minded as being grateful for the awesome dinner your Mom cooked you last night.

The key here is that you’re training your brain to start looking for all the great things that are going on in your life, the great things about being alive, as it knows that later in the day you’re going to have to choose 3 of them to write down.

It takes about 90 days to really notice the full effects of this exercise, but it is enormous. You are basically brainwashing yourself to becoming a happy and grateful person.

2. Use a powerful affirmation for 90 days in a row

Again, this is another exercise that takes 5 minutes a day, and it takes about 90 days to take full effect.

The affirmation I suggest that you use is:

I’m full of energy and I pass on good vibes to others

Say that affirmation out loud every day for 5 minutes a day, and you’ll be amazed at the difference in 90 days.

It’s like dropping a drop of red ink into a bucket of water every day for 90 days… Sooner or later the bucket will turn red.

The same happens when you try to reprogram your subconscious mind to take on new and powerful beliefs and doing this affirmation exercise, combined with the gratitude journal will change your life for the better.

You’ll naturally become the positive, vibrant person that others naturally want to be around. You’ll be more charasmatic, without even trying, and you’ll become a great catch to hot women.

3. Keep yourself nutritionally healthy and physically fit

This probably isn’t news to you, but it is super important. What goes into your body and what you do with your body (ie your physical fitness) greatly affects your overall mood, not to mention your health. It is absolutely amazing the difference a couple of weeks of exercise can make to your mood though. Even just 10 minutes per day of exercise, plus a bit of healthier eating.

10 minutes a day of 1 minute exercises done really well, will make the world of difference to most people, and I recommend it to anyone who isn’t currently doing some sort of fitness program.

If you can only do 1 of the 3 things I’ve mentioned above, it’ll still make a lot of difference. I’d say the affirmation is probably the most powerful, as that basically reprograms your subconscious mind to make you into the most positive and vibrant version of yourself.

I hope you take action with what I’ve had to say in today’s blog post.

If nothing else, just remember the equal or greater energy principle next time you start talking to someone you’re attracted to.

I’m keen to hear your comments below and all the best!

Slade Shaw

P.S. You may also wish to check out our video on how to talk to women in such a way that you naturally build attraction and chemistry (and get a copy of our Conversation Chemistry program): Go here to watch the video