All About Attitude

By Slade Shaw
Author of Why Men Pull Away

Learn exactly what pushes men to leave…and how to NEVER feel abandoned or rejected

Why Men Pull Away…and What Makes Them STAY In Love

All About Attitude

It’s one of those strange things. You can get two people to look at a picture, and you can get two very different descriptions of what is in them.

In fact, it is quite amazing how we let our circumstances and moods influence the way we see the world.

This was particularly true recently, when I was talking with a friend of mine.

She and her boyfriend shifted in together nine months ago, and it was interesting to hear of her experiences in their new living arrangement.

Of particular interest to me were her repeated references to wanting to work on their relationship problems, or more particularly the way they both communicate.

So many people see marriage and the perfect man as the golden apple, and, once they have it, they assume they will ride off into the sunset and leave the trivialities and problems in the other areas of their life behind.

After all, that’s what we are conditioned to believe in fairytales, isn’t it?

But what if Cinderella had abandonment issues from her childhood, or if Robin Hood was a controlling and dominant husband to Maid Marian due to repressed feelings from past relationships?

What if Snow White suffered from a diminished sex drive due to her low self-esteem or depression?

There is no such thing as happily ever after unless the two of you are committed to it.

Back to my friend, however, and her situation. The insecurities that she had from her dysfunctional childhood had led her to have a very negative self-image, and she let her insecurities cloud her judgment of her relationship.

She spoke of when her boyfriend would finally get sick of her and decide to end it.

Her love life was an endless chapter of crises, and she spent all of her free time examining every word he told her for hidden meanings, perhaps indications that he, too, was going to leave her in the way her father left her mother.

I was amazed. In her efforts in focusing on the many negative things that might happen in her relationship, she was failing to focus on the many great things that were currently happening!

She had a home, her health, and the love and support of a great man.

It might not be the type of love she would always want, and at times she might not understand it. But I told her simply to have faith.

That’s it. Have faith!

Have faith in the fact that her man has his reasons for still wanting to be in the relationship. Have faith that he will climb into bed beside her every night because he wants to be there.

And have faith that he loves you even if he doesn’t speak the love language that you want him to speak.

The glass is not half empty. It is half-full. It is often too easy to focus on what needs doing in your relationship rather than looking at all the good that you already have. So it’s all about attitude.

And a little faith.

*** Something we do here in the office every day at our daily meeting is we start by telling each other three things that we are grateful for today.

The aim here is not to brag about how great we are or to keep tabs on what our work colleagues are doing. It’s about re-framing your mind towards positivity.

At first it was a bit of a challenge. There are so many things each of us take for granted and it was really interesting to hear each person’s response.

One co-worker was grateful for the sunshine. Another was grateful for the amazing lunch they just ate.

Another was grateful that their wife was recovering from cancer.

We all have different world views. Some of us look at the day to day. Others look outside of that for greater miracles and things to be grateful for and the many good things going on in life.

If you have time, consider making it part of your daily routine each morning. In the shower, on the commute to work, think of three things you are grateful for.

You might be grateful that you got a kiss this morning. Or a cuddle. Or grateful that you have your health. Or that you are on the path to finding the man and living the life (and having the relationship) of your dreams.

That’s all for now. Feel free to share what you are grateful for below!

If you’re ready to take the plunge and learn why men pull away – Click here to watch my free video presentation…

Why Men Pull Away…and What Makes Them STAY In Love (VIDEO)

Why Men Pull Away

26 Comments on "All About Attitude"

  1. Hi Mirabelle. This article is very relevant to me. I realised that when I was with my ex I over-analysed everything that he said and accused him of maybe doing things in the future that he had not done yet just because our opinion differed on certain issues. But when he did do something ie like taking me for granted or coming late and not letting me know etc I did not call him out on that because I didnt want to appear to be a nagging girlfriend. So I guess it all boils down to self esteem and attitude and at least I know I wont be making those same mistakes again in future relationships.

  2. Be grateful for what you have now and then you will get what you want. Am grateful for a happy life.

  3. I love this blog & it’s true to very core . We all should be grateful in everyday life … Especially
    when we have relationship . We or I myself should focus on the assets not the problem . And there are many assets to life & relationships… Be still & look & listen . Keep these blogs coming …. They’re good for the soul.

  4. I’m thankful we have opportunity, I’m thankful that my daughters will have more opportunities than I as they grow, I look forward to a time when all women have the ability and the means to feel equal and valued.

  5. I am grateful that I have your posts to read and absorb. I appreciate all the things I have learned from your wisdom and insight. I really needed to especially read this one tonight. My glass needs to be reexamined for sure. Thank you for sharing so much with total strangers.

  6. stella schnell | July 5, 2013 at 7:33 am | Reply

    There are so many reasons to be grateful to you Mirabelle. Your blog make things happen because they are relevant to any relationship crisis. It leads to simple curiosity in an attempt to have faith in the positivity of adapting something new in an attitude. We all will pass the honeymoon stage and the truth is, anyone could deeply hurt us even our spouse. I’s just a matter of time and the way we think and re-act. This is easier said than done because of our emotions triggered but there is no harm in trying because there is strenght in knowledge to hang into our beliefs even when it’s tough. Lovely greetings, Stella

  7. My wife had an affair for 5yrs that ended in 1970 when i found out.

    Our marriage has been over since.

    I’m grateful I won’t have to put up with her much longer, good riddence.

    SHE knew where the DOORS were.

  8. Cynthia Ogren | July 7, 2013 at 4:58 am | Reply

    Since I have made gratefulness a part of my mindset, my whole attitude about life has changed. You’re right; we take so many wonderful things about our lives for granted. When I look around at other friends’ problems, I realize how very lucky I am. And I’ve found that the more gratitude I express, the more I have to be grateful for. Great blog post! Thanks!

  9. Good to joint this site.I’m hear to me that wonderful person that I an going to be bless with.

  10. I’m grateful to you, Mirabelle, I’m grateful for the water I drink everyday, I’m grateful for the air I breath, for good health, for the good things I learn everyday and I hope to put them in practice with excitement 😀

  11. MeetYourSweet | July 24, 2013 at 9:29 am | Reply

    Thanks for your comments everyone! Keep reading to get more out of your love life. We appreciate your support!

  12. I am so grateful for the life I enjoy everyday. I’m grateful for the fact that I’m over my past relationship that was a total mess and starting a new life after so long. I’m grateful for my beautiful daughter. Grateful for all of your pieces of advice and above all, I’m grateful for the air I breathe.

  13. Hi M.
    Every article you send, I enjoy it, make me laugh most of the time, sometimes think that you know what happens to me last night. all you’re saying about men is true, but, there’s something that no one can mend when it broken, except the one brokes it, the heart! my dear.

  14. THANK YOU!!!!

  15. Hello thank you so much for share with me
    very nice blog.keep doing you good work .

  16. Very good read, and most helpful!

  17. I have been trying a lot of what I have learned… And I have to say falling short for me.

  18. Hi Laura, might I suggest you give our dating books a try? I’m sure one of our materials will give you the help you need:

  19. When you’ve worked hard to make a relationship work and you don’t appreciate it, then it’s a shame. I’m not saying you don’t need to keep working at it (when you’re upset you have ways of making yourself feel better and reaching out again), but the work needn’t take over from the enjoyment. I love practices that make me present rather than thinking about things that might go wrong – I could work on that 😉

  20. Am grateful for being among the living and thanks so much for the’s a reminder to us.

  21. I just went through a very difficult year, separated, then was downsized out of a job that I had planned my career around, just when I started to think there was not much good in the world….everything changed…the one thing I was very thankful for was the gentleman I had met who patiently listened and encouraged me….he kept saying things will change from one day to the next…..he reminded me of all the things that I have to be gratful for and he was absolutely right… life is changing and I am beginning to see the things that are important in life, once he shared that within two days I had received two job offers that will allow me to enjoy life more. So important to be greatful.

  22. I am grateful for most things every day. But I’m most grateful for the wonderful man I get to share it with. Since I changed my thought patterns, on my own, my man has changed his behaviour towards me. He’s somehow become more clingy, more affectionate and more open with his feelings and literally cant get enough of me. All this I am grateful for aswell. Because now I know that he thinks and feels the same way about our relationship and our future, as I do. I’ve not said anything to him about his changes, but he’s complimented me on mine.
    Relationships are like cars. They need regular maintenance in order to function properly and to get you where you want to be…

  23. I am so grateful that I have life, this breadth is very precious…Life is good! thank you Maribelle.

  24. i am thakful for my children. i am thankful for my home. i am thankful that my health problems have not killed me yet. i have had 8 years of seriously bad luck. i did not break a mirror so i must have walked under a ladder numerous times.

  25. Sometimes I am ‘taken over’ by a self-image I made of myself a long time ago and have to take time to remember that I am a different person who can have a different self-image (and often does) today. Love can bring out that wonderful self-image or that not-so-wonderful one. So anyone connected with their beloved in a new way may have to learn to adapt to living in bliss and use something like the gratitude practice described above to help them remember how great things really are.

  26. staying positive
    i so much needed this, thank you

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