Secret Ingredient That Will Keep Him From Straying

By Mirabelle Summers
Author of Get A Great Guy Guide

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Secret Ingredient That Will Keep Him From Straying

A recent survey by Men’s Health of over 1000 women found that the number ONE trait women are looking for in a guy is faithfulness – with over 80% of women agreeing to this.

And it’s no wonder why having a man who is faithful is so important to us.

Biologically, we need men who will stick around to care for us and our offspring. And even in modern times, being cheated on can leave us in a considerable state of pain, hardship and distrust.

We all want to believe that a guy will happily remain faithful to us over the long haul.

But in a world where rates of adultery and divorce are alarmingly high, and there is a never-ending stream of gorgeous young women in tight skirts inviting the male eye to wander, it can be easy for anxiety to creep in.

The great news is, research has recently highlighted how a naturally-occurring hormone called oxytocin can act as the SECRET ingredient to keeping a man’s eyes, heart and mind focused on the woman he loves.

The powerful role of oxytocin:

Oxytocin is a hormone that is involved in sparking attraction between romantic partners and attachment between children and parents.

It is known as the ‘cuddle hormone’ because one of the main ways in which it is produced is through physical touch, such as when you and your partner cuddle, kiss, hold-hands or have sex.

Oxytocin creates those addictively feel-good emotions of warmth, comfort and closeness that you want to keep going back to. It helps to keep feelings of love and affection alive in a relationship, even after the initial stage of infatuation is over.

And an amazing study recently published in The Journal of Neuroscience has now shown that oxytocin actually leads men in committed relationships to avoid being physically close to other attractive women.

In the study, researchers asked 57 men (both single and in relationships) to sniff a nasal spray that either contained oxytocin or a placebo. The men were then asked to approach an attractive woman and to stop at a comfortable distance away.

Results showed that the men in relationships who had been exposed to oxytocin stood farther away from the attractive woman than those who were exposed to the placebo. In comparison, exposure to oxytocin had hardly any effects on the behavior of single men.

Dirk Steele, one of the leading researchers in the study, suggested that oxytocin may help to make the experience of being in love more addictive and rewarding by interacting with other ‘feel good’ brain chemicals.

So increased oxytocin levels can actually make a ‘taken’ guy feel closer and more attached to his other half, even when she’s not physically with him.

And as a result, this influences him to put physical distance between himself and attractive women – thereby helping him to remain faithful.

Obviously, this is a GREAT sign for every woman in a relationship or hoping to be in one. But I’m sure the question you’re all asking right now is; “So how do I increase my man’s levels of oxytocin?”

Luckily, I have some answers.

Ways that you can naturally increase your man’s (and your own!) oxytocin levels:

Make lots of deep eye contact

When we make deep eye contact with someone we love, oxytocin is released into our bloodstream.

So make sure that whenever you are having a conversation with your man or are spending an intimate moment together, you are giving him your full attention and making lots of deep, dreamy eye contact.

Give him tender massages

Research has indicated that a gentle massage does wonders for boosting oxytocin levels. And everyone loves a good back rub, right?

So offer to give your man a shoulder rub after a stressful day at work, or give him a full-body massage as a slow and sexy foreplay.

Get busy between the sheets

Oxytocin is released in large quantities in both men and women at the point of orgasm, making sex one of the most intense bonding experiences.

And it doesn’t just stop at the big ‘O’. Foreplay, sexual caressing and post-lovemaking cuddles are also times in which oxytocin will be flowing.

So if you want to cause a big spike in your man’s ‘cuddle hormone’, simply spend more time getting hot between the sheets.

Cuddle, smooch & hold hands

Spoon with your guy in bed before you fall asleep. Cuddle on the couch when you’re watching TV. Give him a kiss before you leave in the morning. Hold hands when you’re out in public.

All of these types of physical affection will boost your oxytocin levels and help to keep the chemistry alive in your relationship.

Share mealtimes

There are two reasons why shared mealtimes are a great way of increasing oxytocin.

Firstly, oxytocin is released in the body during digestion. So the more you cook with your man and share mealtimes together, the more he’ll associate you with the good feelings he gets from these experiences.

Secondly, mealtimes are a great opportunity for bonding, as they give you a chance to spend time with your man, talk and make that attraction-sparking eye contact. So use this time to connect with your other half and enjoy each other’s company.

Trigger loving thoughts

Although intimate contact is the biggest trigger for oxytocin release, even simply thinking about your partner can cause oxytocin to start flowing.

So do sweet, naughty little things to help keep your man’s mind on you even when you’re apart. Send him a text during the workday telling him about the sexy daydream you’ve been having, or how you can’t wait to see him later.

This is bound to get his imagination and love hormones flowing. Just don’t go too overboard – one intimate text during the day is a whole lot better for sparking affection and excitement than a long, drawn-out conversation.

Also, if you want genuine men and not just any man, let us challenge your beliefs about love and attraction, and show you the way to become a seduction success story, check this out…

Free Video: Get A Great Guy Guide

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9 Comments on "Secret Ingredient That Will Keep Him From Straying"

  1. The problem is when you have a lull in the relationship (partly) caused by the stresses of our teenage children and your husband starts connecting with the attractive colleague at work who has the time for long, lingering looks and eye contact…
    Yes, I believe Oxytocin is addictive – but, equally, the excitement of a secret relationship (with your wife distracted with the kids) can lead to a strong attachment to the ‘other person.

  2. I’m not sure if this is covered under this section but its difficult to determine where I can post so I’m taking a stab at it here.

    I’m in a long distance relationship with a man in executive level protection who is age 52 who has stated that he doesn’t have time for games and is looking for a lasting relationship. He and I both have been married twice before and for me I’m a little scared from those relationships making it a challenge to trust.
    Anyway, at the beginning of our relationship we were always on the phone, texting throughout the day. He asked for exclusivity and we’ve even talked about our hopes and dreams which are both in sync with the other but when we finally met and spent the weekend with each other after 2mos of countless hours on the phone. He doesn’t reach out anymore. He works in a stressful field, with irregular and sometimes long hours due to the nature of his work but he doesn’t contact me anymore. He does respond to my texts and phone calls but he doesn’t call me but rather asks me to call him after I’ve reached out to him. When he responds to my texts he still addresses me as “Baby” “His queen” and he told me when we last spent time together that nothing had changed with how he felt about me and when we last spoke he told me that after spending that time that he’s content and that he feels that we are ready to move to the next level however, it feels like we’re moving backwards. He’s expressed to me that his main objectives in life are to lead, protect, cultivate, and provide. He’s also stated at the end of our time together when I wasn’t ready for the time to end because there was more time in the day that we can’t be drunk on love and that there are still things that need his attention. That he can’t provide for anyone else if he can’t provide for himself, love doesn’t pay the bills. I completely understand this but because I knew that he was about to be away for another 30-days on assignment I felt dejected which made him upset and since then it just doesn’t feel right. As I said I understand his position but I’m not feeling secure enough to settle for what he’s told me because the actions show something else. I’m totally confused…..

  3. my best gas station line is, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME DUDE, I DONT FUCKIN KNOW YOU AND IM NOT DESPERATE ENOUGH TO DATE A GUY WHO IS SO DESPERATE FOR A GIRL THAT HE APPROCHES ONE AT A DAMN GAS STATION ASKING TO CHECK MY OIL! Sorry, not a reiitsalc pllace to flirt dude. Stop trying to understand women. Especially if the ones that you’re going for are INTELLIGENT ones who dont flirt with dirty men at gas stations

  4. The ideas in this article for keeping love alive in your relationship are great. I love the way these ideas are all linked together by the hormone oxytocin. What I get from it is that when you have the opportunity to give and get love it’s a good idea to make the most of it because, scientifically it makes sense and will help your relationship flow with happy vibes 🙂

  5. Yeah not so sure about the advice you give anymore…I did all the above and yet my man strayed…to many women not just one…Not so sure you’re the expert on this subject…and I’ve been following your advice religiously…not so much anymore…

  6. Can you buy Oxytocin over the internet? By the gallon or in litres? Can you bathe in it? Or spray it all over you and your Partner just so love lasts?

    Let’s get real here, please. And no, I’m not a half wit. In fact, I’m a university lecturer and a political journalist who has witnessed a great deal in this marriage senario where no amount of doe eyed looks could ever even begin to cure the wear and tear that creeps in when there is no longer a challenge to the Relationship. This is what women (especially) need to learn if they want their men (husbands especially) to worship them forever.

  7. Blanca Martinez | July 26, 2016 at 10:10 pm | Reply

    Hold up….approaching someone in a gas station, whats so wrong with that? So your saying its better to do it the old fashion way, in a bar, upscale or dive really makes no difference, its a bar! Take into consideration that both parties may or may not be intoxicated, so depending on the circumstances more times than “not” may just be a one night stand!
    Give him the courtesy of at least approaching her, he did so for a reason, she caught his attention ( now this can be either way, we no longer have to wait on the guy to make the first move.
    The rest is just “fate”, she needs to go with her “gut feeling”.
    Sorry but your advice, NOT on point, and disappointing. Be more open and not so closed minded, you were rude and inconsiderate but then that’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it…
    Other than that, I liked the main premise to your article.

  8. I have tried every suggestion, every trick in the book infact I naturally am the “it girl”, however despite all this and more, my guy blows hot & cold, when we are together it is fantastic but the minute we are apart he becomes distant and does not contact me despite all the promises made!!!
    I am ready to walk away but something always draws us close again!!!
    Please tell me what I can do to stop this roller coaster of emotions!!!
    Thank you x

  9. A state where both partners are overloaded with oxytocin in a long term relationship is something worth making the effort for. Thanks for your suggestions Brooke.

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