“Watch This Short Presentation And Discover The Real Reasons Why Men Lose Interest, What Makes Him Stay In LOVE, And How To Dramatically Improve Your Love Life... Forever...”

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Warning: If you've ever felt abandoned, rejected or confused by a man's behavior, then you NEED to watch this video to the very end, it will surprise you!

From: Slade Shaw
(Author of Why Men Pull Away)

My friend Kat was seconds away from getting dumped.

She knew her man had been distant lately, but had no idea the bombshell he was about to drop…

Leaving her alone again, depressed and confused…

...Wondering if she’d ever find a secure, loving relationship.

But the 3 seemingly harmless questions she asked him next, changed everything about the way he saw her...

...And how he felt about her.

Pulling him back from making the biggest mistake of both of their lives.

Hi, I’m Slade Shaw, the creator of 3 bestselling programs on dating and relationships. And right now, I’m going to share with you the messed-up reason men pull away...

...And the ‘harmless questions’ you can ask any man that will lead to overwhelming feelings of love and devotion for you…

Pushing any thoughts about ‘other women’ out of his mind…

And giving him absolute certainty that you are the only woman he wants to be with…

Now and forever.

And I know this all might sound crazy to you right now, just as it did to the hundreds of women I’ve shared these questions with over the past 10 months…

But these ‘harmless questions’ have a powerful effect over a man…

Without him realizing what’s happening they force him to reveal what he’s REALLY thinking...

...And how he really feels about you even if he’s always been closed off…

Even if he says he’s not ready for a relationship. And even if he seems like the world’s worst communicator.

You see, these ‘harmless questions’ not only give you access to a man’s TRUE REASONS for pulling away…

They also change how he feels about you by triggering powerful emotions which make him suddenly and intensely aware of the rare connection the two of you have…

And how precious you are to him, giving him a desperate urgency to lock you down and prove his love for you.

Now I need to warn you, these ‘harmless questions’ aren’t about:

  • how he’s feeling,

  • what he’s thinking, or

  • what he wants in a relationship

So if you’re thinking of having “a talk” with him about what’s going on in his head, or where he sees your relationship is going…DON’T.

Not until you read this page...Because most of the questions women ask men when they’re feeling unsure about thing BACKFIRE.

They make him feel like you’re PRESSURING him (even if that’s not your intention).

Which is the surest way to turn “pulling away” into “running away”… Fast.

Instead, you need to ask him these harmless INDIRECT questions, which get him to reveal his hand without him realizing he’s doing it…

So you can find out exactly what he’s thinking and feeling without triggering his “flight response”.

Now, I’m going to share the ‘harmless questions’ that trick a man into revealing his true feelings in just a moment…

And how you can use his answers to turn his feelings around bringing out the loyal, devoted, attentive guy that’s been inside him all along.

But first, you need to know where these questions came from...

And the disturbing discovery about the male brain any woman can use to get control of her love life.

It started with my best friend Kat… When she first started dating Jack she was on cloud 9

“It’s refreshing to meet a guy who knows what he wants” she told me.

“...Who isn’t afraid to let me know how much I mean to him and who tells me again and again how lucky he is to be with me...

...I’ve never felt safer with a guy it’s an amazing feeling"

I was so happy for her. So when she called me just a few weeks later I was surprised to hear things had changed...

"A couple of days after I talked to you last, he called me up and broke it off…" she said.

"I can’t believe what he said…He told me, and this is a direct quote:

'I just feel like there isn't really a spark between us...and I need that'

...You know how hard it was to hear that?

Anyway… I tried to suck it up. I told him it was fine but obviously I’d need some space… So I managed to salvage some dignity.

...But Slade…” she went on. “I did something really stupid…

At first I was really good. I unfriended him on Facebook and unfollowed him on Instagram…

And for 2 weeks I didn’t check his social media…

I didn’t ask any of our mutual friends about him…

And I tried my hardest to focus on work, going to the gym and hanging out with friends. But one night last week I got home after a long day at work, I was all by myself in my apartment.

And I just felt so… lonely and sad…I missed him.

And I wondered if he missed me too. I wanted to know he thought about me and I guess I was hoping he missed me too.

So…I decided to check his Facebook. Just to see what he’d been up to..."

“Oh no, Kat… “ I said “what happened?”

“I looked up his profile and in his picture he had his arm around this beautiful blonde girl who was kissing him on the cheek.

I mean the girl was stunning…

I scrolled down and saw the words: Ryan is in a relationship with Megan.

What. The Hell....

We’d only been broken up for THREE WEEKS!!!

I clicked over to this Megan’s profile and looked through her pictures. He’d liked or commented on almost every one…

Lots of winks, and smileys and kissy faces…

He called her “sweetie” and “muffin”…

Under one he wrote “How lucky am I to be with this amazing woman?” Under another she’d written “Looking gorgeous honey… can’t wait for this weekend ;)”

It felt unreal… Like I was watching a movie of my worst nightmare

And all the while his words rang through my head “We just don’t have a spark”.

And…Something awful happened.

I went to click to the next picture…And I accidentally hit the “like button”.

I knew even if I clicked “unlike” he’d still get a notification. I panicked. I figured since I couldn’t take that ‘like’ back I might as well pretend I’d done it on purpose.

So I commented on the photo:

“Looking good Jack! Cute dog ;)”...I hit enter. I don’t know what came over me. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but after about a minute, I started to regret it…

I felt humiliated…And pathetic.

I knew anything I did now would just make it worse…

Slade…I’ve been having a really rough time since then.

I can’t stop picturing Jack and his new girlfriend laughing about it. They must see me as some sort of psycho…

And I keep asking myself again and again…And - I know it sounds cliché…

But what the heck does this girl have that I don’t?!?!

He said we didn’t have a ‘spark’...But I felt a spark. And I KNOW at the beginning he felt it too… So why did he stop feeling it?

What did I do wrong…Why do I keep repelling the men I’m into?

I know it’s too late with Jack. He’s already moved on…But I need to make sure this never happens again with any other guy...

There has to be a way to break the cycle…

You give dating advice Slade…You know how men think."

"I’ll do anything to make sure this doesn’t happen again... Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it"

I didn’t know what to tell her…

After all, I’d acted with other women exactly the way Jack acted with Kat. So I know the panicky, suffocated feeling he must’ve had…

But I had no idea WHY I felt like that, and what the woman could’ve done to stop it.

That night, I couldn’t sleep. I lay awake thinking about Kat. As a men’s dating coach, I’d helped hundreds of guys overcome their insecurities…

And learned how attraction works…So they could get into great relationships.

But what about Kat and the thousands of women just like her? Women who watched the men in their lives pull away…And were powerless to stop it?

Didn’t they deserve those same feelings of confidence and control over their dating lives I’d been giving to men for the past 3 years?

That night, I made up my mind. I wanted to help women just as much as men…

I was going to start by figuring out exactly why men pull away and what women can do to stop it

So women could enjoy happy, healthy, secure relationships…

And be free of the pain of watching the men they love slip away before their eyes…

As I lay in bed, the sky was already getting light and sleep was nowhere in sight. I sat up and grabbed my laptop…

I decided to go to the source.

From my men’s programs, I had an email list of over 20,000 guys… Guys who were grateful to me for helping them and would be happy to help me out.

I wrote a survey asking 36 questions to really get to the bottom of why men pull away, and what women could do about it.

I wanted to know:

  • Why these men felt compelled to pull away from certain women

  • If they’d ever had a change of heart and gone running back to those same women… 

  • And if so, what these women had done to change how they felt

I sent the survey out with a quick note asking every man on my 21,385 person list to fill it out as a personal favor to me.

I closed my laptop, rolled over, and went to sleep…

When I woke up just before noon, I’d already received 1318 replies. By 6pm, that number was closer to 7,000…

And by the next morning, I had 8,718 replies.

Three days later, I’d received more than 10,000 responses from men telling me EXACTLY why they’d pulled away, and what made them coming running back…

I created a spreadsheet to keep track of all the responses and to see what patterns emerged, and dove headfirst into their responses…

And the more I read, the clearer the patterns became…

By the time I finished going through everything more than a week later I’d made some important discoveries about what makes men pull away

...And what a woman can do to turn his feelings around, and make put him back in “pursuit mode” with her...

Now I want you to pay close attention to this next part - particularly to discovery #3…

Because it’s the third discovery that is the key to making any man feel intensely bonded to you with a few simple questions.

Discovery #1: What makes a MAN “all-in” in a relationship is very different from what makes a woman “all-in”

For women, committing more deeply to a man is a natural extension of enjoying his company, sharing common values, and having sexual chemistry…

That’s because women’s brains are wired to release bonding hormones when they’re with a man they’re attracted to… And especially when they’re having sex with him.

But men don’t have this same mechanism in their brain…

So a man doesn’t automatically want to commit to a woman just because he likes spending time with her, is attracted to her, and is sleeping with her.

No matter how well things are going, a man needs something else…

Something which taps into his male bonding instincts and pushes him over the edge from enjoying your company to seeing you as the ONLY woman for him.

Without this “missing ingredient”, even if your man OUTWARDLY commits to you with his words and actions, in his mind, he’s not really committed…Even if he wants to be.

That primal part of his brain is always on the lookout for someone else to come along…

Who can satisfy that deep desire he has for “the one”? What is this “missing ingredient” a man needs to commit to a woman with his whole heart?

That brings me to...

Discovery #2: The Dream Girl Factor

Every man has what I call a “dream girl profile”.

It’s a sort of ‘inner checklist’ of qualities he needs in a life partner…

These qualities have very little to do with how you look or anything physical, and your average man can’t even SAY what these qualities are.

All he know is, he either FEELS it, or he DOESN’T. When a guy meets a woman who fits his DREAM GIRL profile, he goes through a remarkable transformation.

All of a sudden, his priorities shift… It’s like his “hunter” instincts switch off, and his “provider” instincts kick in.

— He focuses completely on taking care of you…
— He does everything he can to make you feel loved and secure…
— And he wants to leave no doubt in your mind that you’re the one for him…

That’s why men who always seemed cold and distant will suddenly buy their woman flowers…

Leave sweet little notes for her…

And become over-the-top romantic.

When a man’s with a woman who DOESN’T have one or more of his DREAM GIRL FACTORS…He usually can’t put his finger on what’s wrong.

He just feels a sense of dissatisfaction.

Some men describe it as feeling suffocated or smothered, and everything in his brain cries out to get space from her.

When a man pulls away it means he fears you’re missing one of the crucial “Dream Girl FACTORS” he needs to feel 100% committed and devoted to you…

So if you want to flip the switch in a man’s brain that brings out his inner romantic and makes you the object of all his desire…

You FIRST need to figure out what HIS dream girl is like…

Discovery #3: His Dream Girl “JUST KNOWS”

Imagine this:

You’re out on a first date with a guy, and things are going ok…You kind of like him, but you’re not 100% sold yet.

Suddenly, he looks up at you and asks: “Would it be ok if I kissed you now?”

If you’re like most women, any attraction you might have had for him just plummeted. The guy who needs to ask whether he can kiss you or not isn’t the guy you dream about.

It’s similar for men…

A guy doesn’t want a girl who has to ask how she should treat him. He wants her to JUST KNOW.

Asking him:

— What he wants in a woman…
— If he’s happy with your relationship
— If there’s something he wants you to do differently…

Not only makes him feel cornered and pressured but shows him that you don’t “get him” the way he needs his dream girl to.

Dream Girls know how to read a man’s true reasons for pulling away…

And simply give him what he needs at exactly the right time in exactly the right way even if HE doesn’t know what that need is.

These 3 discoveries went a long way towards explaining why men pull away…

It’s because he fears you’re missing one or more of his dream girl factors. But there was still something missing:

If a woman can’t just ASK her guy what his Dream Girl Factors are… How the heck is she supposed to find out?!

I obsessed over this question for weeks…

Turning it over and over in my mind and brainstorming possible solutions. I was discussing it with Kat and she said something I’ll never forget.

Out of total frustration, she said: "It’s like men expect women to be mind-readers".

That one sentence gave me an idea…

I knew that some stage magicians use ‘mind-reading’ techniques to figure things out about their audience members…

Psychics use the same techniques to tell their clients things about themselves they couldn’t possible know…

It’s called the art of “mentalism” and it’s been practiced for years even the FBI and CIA use mentalism techniques in interrogation to get information their subjects don’t want to give up.

I did some research into mentalism techniques and found that there’s nothing ‘magic’ about them at all.

Mentalism is just a set of psychological tools anyone can use to get information from someone who doesn’t want to give it away…

I was reading a Chapter about “The Power of Questions” and discovered 2 important things:

Questions Discovery #1: When you ask a question about ONE aspect of someone’s life, they’ll give you clues about OTHER aspects of their life

For example, you could ask a guy about a dream he has for the future.

If he says he’s always wanted to learn to fly a plane you know he values freedom and excitement…

If he says he’d love to build a cabin in the woods and eat only food he’s grown in his garden you’d know he values independence but also nesting and making a home.

If you just ask the right questions, a guy will ‘accidentally’ reveal everything you need to know about his dream girl profile.

But the 2nd discovery about questions got me really excited…

Questions Discovery #2: Asking questions is a powerful way to communicate something about YOU

I’ll show you what I mean…

Imagine you just met a guy and wanted him to know you’re not needy.

You could tell him “I’m not needy…”

OR… you could ASK him: “You don’t get needy do you?”

Which of these 2 approaches communicates non-neediness more? If you just tell him “I’m not needy”, inside his head he’s going to think “yeah right”…

But if you ask HIM if HE’S needy he’ll assume YOU’RE not needy…

The question communicates something powerful about you that flies right underneath his radar.

Armed with these 2 discoveries I created a series of questions a woman could ask that would:

a) Get her man to reveal what’s really going on his mind, and

b) Communicate whatever “dream girl” qualities a woman wanted to communicate…

I called them “harmless questions” because they come across totally harmless and in-nocent to the guy you use them on so he never feels pressured or spooked in any way…

To test these ‘harmless questions’ in the real world I put an ad on Craigslist for local women who noticed their men pulling away.

From the responses, I selected 9 women to work with. The deal was, I’d work with them for free, one-on-one and in exchange they agreed to do a weekly call with me so I could see what was working, what could be improved, and refine the techniques.

I worked with Carmen who texted one of these questions to a guy she’d slept with once only to have him stop returning her texts.

He responded right away…

And during a short text exchange where she asked him 2 more harmless questions... HE asked HER for “one more chance"

I taught them to Amy, who used them on her husband over dinner one night…

He’d been spending more and more time at work and treating their marriage like an afterthought.

She went to bed unsure if the questions had worked…

But the next day, he surprised her by booking a vacation for the two of them to Venice, something she’d been wanting to do for years…

He said “sorry I haven’t been as present as you need me to be… From here on out, all that changes”..

Angela used the harmless questions on a guy she’d gone on 2 dates with “just to see what would happen”…

She wasn’t sure if he really liked her before, but the questions had him practically stalking her for weeks.

These ‘harmless questions’ tell you exactly what “dream girl factors” are missing that are making him retreat…

And then communicate that you HAVE these qualities in a way that he automatically believes.

They capitalize on his “Dreamgirl” response to send a flood of bonding hormones through his brain so he feels more connected and attached to you than he ever has to a woman in his life…

Because he can rest assured that he’s found the rare woman who “gets him” completely.

It was my last session with Angela and she said…

"There are so many amazing women out there who will come so close to finding their little piece of happiness like I have.

But just because they don’t know some simple things about how men work, and what to say to trigger that deep bond of love in him…

...Many of them will end up alone, or worse, settling for a man who isn’t really “invested” in the relationship and doesn’t really give her what she needs…"

I assured her I’d started taking on female clients. In fact, now that word was out about the harmless questions I barely had time in my schedule to keep up with demand…

“That’s a great start” she said…"But what about the other women?"

"What about the women who can’t afford your $300 an hour one-on-one fee?

What about the thousands and thousands of women who are suffering through the pain of watching their men pull away?"

She was right. I had a new problem.

I was spending more time with my clients than I thought was good for me and was starting to get burned out…

“Well” she suggested “What if you took those harmless questions and everything you’re showing your clients and packaged it as an online course…

...That way you could reach women all over the world and you wouldn’t have to in-crease your hours”

I wasn’t sure…I’d created online programs for men before and they’d been very successful.

...And they took a lot out of me. Basically I had to disappear for a couple of months to create it and right now I was happy to be working with women one-on-one.

“I understand that” Angela said…

“But think about the women you’d be helping. What’s a couple of months of your time to end the heartbreak and misery of thousands and thousands of women?"

I tried to argue back but deep down I knew she was right. This was something I had to do…

I stopped taking on new clients and spent my weekend working on the new program.

It took me over 3 months but by the end I had a complete system that any woman could access from her computer

...Without me having to sit down with her one-on-one.

This system not only went into the harmless questions but the deep psychology of men and the many, often counter-intuitive reasons they pulled away…

And the different strategies women needed to gain control over their love lives again.

It’s been a long road but now I’m happy to present my first ever online course for women called:

Why Men Pull Away: Discover What He’s Really Thinking (But Would Never Tell You To Your Face!)

In it I go through the exact reasons why men pull away, the various mistakes women make which drive their men further away...

And the ‘harmless’ questions for opening him up and drawing him to you like a high-powered magnet…

It’s the only program that shows you how to make your man pull a total 180 when he’s pulling away from you…

...And wonder why he ever felt like pulling away in the first place.

Here’s a small sample of what you’ll discover inside:

  • Qualifying Questions” to make a man feel the overwhelming need to PROVE HIMSELF to you (hint: it’s impossible for a man to try to earn your approval and think about leaving you at the same time)

  • “Can-Opener Questions” to break through his “secret barriers” that no other woman has ever penetrated before…

  • “Probing Questions” which get him to reveal the core values that are most important to him. When he believes you understand him on this deep level, he’ll be terrified of losing you.

  • “Elevation Questions” which alter his gut-level, emotional feelings about HIMSELF when he’s with you. The better he feels about HIMSELF when he’s around you… the more painful it will be to be apart from you

  • The Cold-Reading Trick used by psychics and mentalists which will make him feel like you see and understand him in a way no other woman ever could

  • “Bonding Questions” which make him imprint on you, crave your attention, and follow you around like a little puppy

  • The 10 Immediate Do’s and Don’ts you can do RIGHT NOW when your relationship’s “on the rocks” to start melting away his distance and bring him back to you

  • “Hoop Jumping” questions which put the power back in your hands, and make a man feel like if he doesn’t ‘move things forward’ in your relationship, he’s going to lose you for good.

  • “Non-neediness Questions” which communicate a fierce confidence and independence about you that men can’t resist

  • The 5 Stages of Commitment and how to move from one stage to the next without him feeling like you’re pressuring him… (Trying to ‘skip’ a stage is the #1 thing that freaks men out and makes them pull away

And dozens and dozens of more ‘harmless questions’ for everything from getting his attention, to reminding him how rare you are, to reviving a flagging sex life.

With all the techniques of Why Men Pull Away at your disposal you’ll never have to worry about a man going cold or distant again…

...Because you’ll have everything you need to bring him running back to you, telling you he’s sorry, and begging you to stay.

And the great thing is you can actually SEE him getting more loyal and committed before your eyes…

Right away, he’ll turn his body towards you…

You’ll see in his eyes that he’s 100% focused and present with you

He’ll call and text just to let you know how important you are to him…

Complimenting you...

And finding creative and charming ways to let you know he’s thinking about you.

Don't just take my word for it, here is what the experts have to say...

Why Men Pull Away will show any woman not only why men are different, but how to use those differences to create closeness with a man. I especially like the part about what to do when a man is acting distant.

Dr. Bob Grant
Licensed professional counselor and author of "The Woman Men Adore... And Never Want To Leave."

If men came with an instruction manual, this would be it. Why Men Pull Away is full of amazing insights into how his mind works. The best thing about it is how simply it is written, making understanding him easy instead of conversations ending in frustration. I see this as a resource that many will refer to often.

Cindy Battye
Dating and Relationships Advisor & Entrepreneur

This program is Fantastic! Why Men Pull Away is not only a must have for single women but also for women in realtionships. One of the most difficult and challenges aspects to dating and love is when your man loses interest and desire for you and you don't know why - Why Men Pull Away is a powerful program that will certainly turn this around for you.

Nadine Piat-Niski
Personal coach, speaker, and author of 'Healthy You, Healthy Love'.

"When you're getting advice from Meet Your Sweet, you're getting pure GOLD straight from the hearts of their gifted experts. I really love how they care so much about both women AND men. That's one key way you can always know what they tell you is going to really, truly work to build close, intimate relationships. Scot and I work with them often, and can't wait to do so again soon!"

Emily McKay
Dating coach and author of "Click With Him."


Now, if you’ve stuck with me this far, you probably have a few questions like how much the program costs.

So let me answer that for you before we go any further.

When I first put Why Men Pull Away together, I had a lot of discussions with friends and both my male and female clients about how much to charge.

My current rate is $300 for one-on-one coaching - and as more and more people reach out to me, that price is only going to go up.

To get this information directly from me would take at least 4 sessions and would cost a minimum of $1200.

That’s if I have room in my schedule to take you on…

Now - I’m sure you’ll agree - you can’t put a price on a great relationship.

And most woman would pay many times that if it meant they could have total control over their relationships and never have to worry about a man pulling away and leaving her again.

However, as Angela impressed on me…

The point of creating an ONLINE program was to make this information available to as many women as possible…

...And that means even the ones who can’t afford to spend $1200 without thinking about it.

Similar programs I created for men have been priced between $100 and $300. And because this program is every bit as involved and valuable as those ones I decided that $147 was more than a fair price…

However, because this is my first program for women, and I really want to get the word out about it…

I wanted to offer a special “early movers’” price to the first women who jumped on it. That way I could get more testimonials and more success stories…

And most importantly, REWARD those women who are ready to change their lovelife once and for all.

Right now, I’m going to offer you a crazy deal...

Ready? Ok…

If you’re still reading this that means you’re one of the first 1000 women to have access to this program…

And for the first 1000 women…And that means right now, you have the chance to get Why Men Pull Away for more than 50% off the regular $147 price…

That means that while you’re reading this you can get Why Men Pull Away where you’ll learn the harmless questions that make you irresistible to any man…

For just $47.00.

Simply click the button below and fill out the order form to get started

You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page hosted on Clickbank.com then you’ll be taken right to a secure members area where you can get access to all the materials…

(You’ll also get an email with a link to the members area and details on how to contact us should you need to for any reason).

Click the button now for this limited-time offer.

Now, because I want to make getting this program a total no-brainer for you…

I decided that for the first 1000 women who purchased Why Men Pull Away, I’d also offer some very special programs…For FREE.

As a limited time bonus:

Bonus #1: Communication Secrets For A Strong Long-Term Relationship- With Renee Piane

You know communication is important… But how do you get through to a man who doesn’t want to open up?

You need to speak in HIS language. Renee Piane shows you how to talk to your man in a way that forges a deep and lasting bond and how to avoid the little misunderstandings that so often pull couples apart.

This program is a must-have for any woman who wants to deepen the intimacy she has with her boyfriend or husband.

Bonus #2: How to Reignite & Maintain Long-Term Attraction - with Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo is one of the most respected experts on love and success for women. And in this one-of-a-kind session with her you’ll discover the secrets to maintaining the passion, having a vibrant sex life...

…And even breathing new life into a relationship that’s gone stale.

She’ll show you how to make changes in your relationship without coming across bossy, naggy, or demanding, by making taking things further HIS idea…

Each of these programs has previously sold for $37.

When you add together the $147 from Why Men Pull Away, the $37 for “Communication Secrets" And the $37 for “How to Reignite & Maintain Long-Term Attraction”...

That’s a value of $221, yours today for just $47.

Just for taking advantage of this one-time offer of Why Men Pull Away…

And… Because I want to make it as easy as possible for you to try this program out....

I’m offering a 60-Day, unconditional, no-questions-asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee

60 day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Try The Why Men Pull Away Program for yourself for a FULL 60 days.

If for ANY reason you are not satisfied, simply email me, and will return 100% of your money.

No Question Asked!

That means you can get access to the program, go through all the materials, download the bonuses, and try everything out...

And if the man in your life isn’t completely devoted to you and practically begging you to take things to the next level…

Simply let me know within 60 days, and I’ll immediately refund 100% of your purchase.

No questions asked. Just like that.

I’m offering this guarantee because I know how hard it can be to decide if a program like this is right for you…

And the best way I can help you do that is by letting you try it out for yourself risk free.

You can see for yourself the power effects this techniques have over a man’s mind and emotions…

All you have to do is click the button below…And fill out the order form and in less than a minute…

You’ll have full access to all the tricks, tactics, and techniques of the Why Men Pull Away that’s already helped hundreds of women take total control over their dating lives…

So now you have a decision to make…

The way I see it, you have three options:

Option 1

You could forget you ever saw this video…

Pretend you never heard of the “harmless questions” and go on interacting with men the way you always have…

And keep repeating the cycle of rejection and insecurity that’s keeping you from ever having a healthy, secure relationship with a wonderful man.

Option 2

You could take the insights you got from this video, and try to figure the rest out of your own….

If you’re the kind of woman who prefers to take the hard road, then be my guest…

But keep in mind, it took me months of trial and error, and working with dozens of women to refine and perfect the knowledge that I put into this program.

And I’d already been studying the science of attraction for years, and it could take you years (and countless heartbreaks) to do the same…


Option 3

You could save yourself time, save yourself money, and turn your love life around IMMEDIATELY…

Simply by letting me help you…

There’s no reason to start from scratch when someone else has already done the heavy lifting for you. So if you’re ready to take advantage of the years of research into dating and relationships…

And the months I put into developing and refining the harmless questions to bring you a clear, step-by-step guide that tells you exactly what to do to stop your man from pulling away.

And to give you the power in your relationship.

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Fill out the order form on the next page…

And in less than a minute, you’ll have complete access to Why Men Pull Away, the exclusive bonuses, and a few more surprise goodies I haven’t even told you about.

All for less than the cost of a new skirt…

I’ve brought you this far…

I’ve lead you to the door and presented you with the opportunity for a new life… And now you have to decide whether or not to walk through it

If you choose not to, that’s totally fine… It’s your life and your decision to make.

But if you choose to invest in yourself and make this change in your life…

I’ll be there every step of the way to support you.

Because I know how devastating it is when your man pulls away, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it…

How awful it feels knowing that he’s looking to other women, for something he can’t find in you…

And how wonderful life can be when you’re finally in control of your relationship.

The choice is yours…

Simply click on the button below fill out the order form and you’ll be taken right to the downloads page for instant access to the Why Men Pull Away and the exclusive bonuses…


If you’re STILL feeling indecisive about whether or not this is something you want to invest in….

I have one more bonus program…

But… it’s only for those of you who purchase this program right now.

EXTRA BONUS: Interviews With Men Program

We surveyed over 20,000 women and asked them their most urgent and pressing questions about men…

We then took those questions to real men and top dating experts, In these raw, totally naked interviews.

You’ll find out what men are thinking, right from their own mouths…

It’s like listening into the men’s locker room and hearing what they REALLY think, unedited, and uncensored.

It’ll give you an advantage over every other woman because you’ll be able to anticipate his next move before he even knows what it is…

And he’ll feel like you “get him” on a level no other woman has.

This program is not for sale anywhere else, and is only available to those of you who purchase Why Men Pull Away right now.

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Remember: nothing in your life will change until YOU decide to change…

Make the decision right now just as hundreds of women have, and watch as your love life transforms…

As your man becomes so overwhelmed with feelings of love and attraction for you. He can’t stop thinking about you, he’s looking deep into your eyes…

Taking you by the hands…

And telling you with the full force of all his emotions that he’s yours and only yours.

Click the button below right now to get started and get ready to experience a level of devotion and commitment from your men, beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.


-Slade Shaw

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Update 19 May: Just Added! - You will also receive the Complete Audio Edition of Why Men Pull Away as an additional extra bonus for joining today. ($30 Value)